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Lockdown Piano Alphabet - J


#Smiling is good for us. I’ve been assured it’s a fact that has been backed up with plenty of science. So why are classical concerts full of such serious faces even when the music is trying its best to make you #giggle? I wonder if it’s because like all good #jokes, a musical joke needs #context. It’s only funny if we appreciate what is being parodied. A few weeks ago we would not have found it funny to see memes playing with the idea of #SocialDistancing.

So, J is for joke.

In #Haydn’s time everyone who wanted to be seen as #middleclass and could afford to sit in the Viennese #coffee houses could write a menuet. It must have been the equivalent of today’s #cafe #culture of #Starbucks and #sudoko... or the #Times #cryptic #crossword.

Yet, in the video below, Haydn gets it wrong... hopelessly so, again and again.

Please #Share a giggle! It’s in times like this that #laughter is the #best #medicine...

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