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Introducing... Piano Diaries


As #Lockdown stubbornly persists I would like to continue to think I can continue to bring a few moments of musical inspiration to you, albeit as virtual audiences. Rather than live streaming concerts - I'm not sure my lockdown piano is quite up to being exposed to such formal judgement! - I will be posting some honest glimpses into the piano studio.

I will be posting these on this blog and YouTube. If you #subscribe to these you should be able to receive automatic notifications (if you wish) when new videos are posted.

Piano Diaries will be a collection of thoughts, #ideas, experiments, observations. It is an unusual opportunity for you to have a look at some work in progress, things which are usually carefully concealed. In doing so, hopefully I will leave you with a tantalising sense of things I would love to bring to you around the globe in their intended form - live.

When? In the words of my favourite #British #comedy... 'at the appropriate juncture, in due course, in the fullness of time.'

So, for today's musings: a piece of music I hated!

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